Saturday 22 October 2016

Ravina Beauty Tips For Face Pimples

Beauty Tips For Face Pimples

Pimples usually occur on the face, back, shoulders and neck. Pimple is nothing but a swelling on the skin which is filled with bacteria and pus. Excess sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands of the skin is the major cause of this problem.  Though it is not a critical condition, it can make one appear less attractive. Pimples generally look like a pink spot or blemish on the skin. In severe conditions you can see the white pus oozing out of the  pimple. Normally, pimples dry out after a few days but the scar or the mark of the pimple continues to stay on the skin like. There are many ways to treat these marks effectively. There are lots of products in the market for erasing the pimple marks, but the preferred method should be to use home remedies because they come without any side effects and are extremely pocket friendly. You can see numerous products of pimple marks removal cream that are available in the market. But, they are based with harmful chemicals. Try to avoid these creams and use natural home made tips to reduce pimple marks.

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