Saturday 22 October 2016

Ravina Beauty Tips For Face Pimples

Beauty Tips For Face Pimples

Pimples usually occur on the face, back, shoulders and neck. Pimple is nothing but a swelling on the skin which is filled with bacteria and pus. Excess sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands of the skin is the major cause of this problem.  Though it is not a critical condition, it can make one appear less attractive. Pimples generally look like a pink spot or blemish on the skin. In severe conditions you can see the white pus oozing out of the  pimple. Normally, pimples dry out after a few days but the scar or the mark of the pimple continues to stay on the skin like. There are many ways to treat these marks effectively. There are lots of products in the market for erasing the pimple marks, but the preferred method should be to use home remedies because they come without any side effects and are extremely pocket friendly. You can see numerous products of pimple marks removal cream that are available in the market. But, they are based with harmful chemicals. Try to avoid these creams and use natural home made tips to reduce pimple marks.

Homemade Beauty Tips For Face,Skin,Hair- Ravina

Homemade Beauty Tips For Face,Skin,Hair

We all secretly desire beautiful looks and flawless complexion. But most of us fall prey to pollution and other factors, and our skin ends up looking dull and lifeless. What can be done about this?

In this post, we have an exhaustive list of beauty tips for getting fair skin at home. But this isn’t all about just face packs. We have also tried to cover specific foods and other skin care basics that are often ignored or overlooked.

Go ahead and check them out – and get ready to see your skin glowing!

What You Need To Do

Mix the above ingredients and apply the paste to your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes or more, or till the mask dries completely.
Before washing off the mask with water, make sure you massage in circular motions. This is important as it removes the dead skin cells and evens out the skin tone.
Wash your face with cold water. This gives you a fairer and even skin tone.

Beauty Tips For Face and Face Care Tips- Ravina


If you want brighter or white skin as we say, it is very important to take care of various aspects of face care. As there are several things tsub heads for your convenience. Feel free to skip to the portion that is relevant for you.
o cover, I have broken the article down into various

Beauty Tips based on your Skin Tone
Beauty Tips for Daily Skin Care Routine
Beauty tips for Face Whitening
Beauty tips for Common Face Problems
Seasonal Beauty tips for Face Whitening

Friday 21 October 2016

Ravina Beauty Tips For Hair

Do you know someone who has the most naturally gorgeous hair? Wonder what they do to keep it that way?  Given all the products in the market, you would think these would help keep your hair film star fab!  Shampooing, conditioning, spa treatments – does indulging in all these mean you’ll get healthy hair?  Not necessarily

Beauty Tips For Hair

5 Simple Homemade Beauty Tips For Hair

Swimming: If you are at the beach or the pool, your hair can get damaged from chlorine and salt water.  The colour gets stripped off, hair gets dry and frizzy, causing split ends.  Wet your hair and apply a good conditioner before jumping in.  Always wear a swimming cap.

Summer protection: If your skin gets burned during the summer, imagine what happens to your hair?  Sun exposure has the same effect on the hair.  It dries out and it is way worse for colour treated hair.  Wear a hat or a scarf whenever possible.  Invest in moisturizing shampoos and conditioners which offer UVA and UVB protection. 

Tight ponytails: Yes, they are convenient and comfortable.  Who wants to be sweating under all that hair?  Try to braid your hair or wear a loose ponytail to avoid hair loss from traction alopecia.  If you want to put your hair up, use a good rubber band made of fabric so it doesn’t tug on your hair.  Wear a hairband whenever possible.

Scalp care: How many of us think of caring for our scalps?  Getting a hot oil massage is a great way to relax.  Stimulate blood flow and help hair follicles become healthy.  Use good conditioning treatments with aloe and other ingredients. Try to use sulphate-free shampoos.  Go organic wherever possible.

Reduce use of tools: If you really have to, then use a hair dryer or flat iron and only for special occasions.  Make sure that the dryer comes with different settings to give you more control.  Don’t use a flat iron when hair is wet – it can cause a lot of damage.